Psychology • Meditation

Seeing with the heart • Introduction to Ayurvedic psychology (APE.i)

Know your true nature In Ayurveda, each person is regarded as a unique individual who represents a unique personality in his or her universal origin and physical and mental characteristics. With the help ...

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  • Lesson eCourses • Seeing with the heart (APE.i)
    • Video explanation - Introduction to your eAcademy module
    • Brief Introduction - How to learn online at the Rosenberg Ayurveda eAcademy
    • EN APE-00 - Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Psychology
    • EN APE-01 - Fundamentals of Ayurvedic Psychology
    • EN APE-02 - The constitution - the true self
    • EN APE-03 - Sattva guna - mental health and strength
    • EN APE-04 - The koshas - subtle and gross body sheaths
    • EN APE-05 - Sattvic nutrition - food for the soul
    • EN APE-06 - Ayurvedic psychology in practice